Andrea Cogo
9 luglio 2023, 16:20
Catturato dai sirfidi, questo bellissimo lavoro mi da la possibilità di iniziare con delle solide basi.
Grazie, Andrea. Bellissimi, i Sirfidi, sono tra i miei preferiti, non a caso ho messo la foto di un maschietto di Eristalis come immagine simbolo.   (Gian)
B Bayer
23 giugno 2023, 16:8
Very good information!
Thank you for your time and effort, in putting all of this together.

Ottima informazione! Grazie per il vostro tempo e il vostro impegno, nel mettere insieme tutto questo.

Thanks a lot, B Bayer. Greetings   (Gian)
Francesco Virgolini
27 marzo 2023, 12:53
Good Site , very very helpful , thanks!
Thanks for your feedback   (Gian)
18 maggio 2022, 0:44
ottima descrizione della morfologia degli insetti
Grazie :-)   (Gian)
1 febbraio 2022, 15:46
I see that you did a great job on the project. A lot of vigor and energy, dedication and perseverance, fortitude. This is not your first great project, I have been following you for a long time, you are making advance, moving forward, you are just great. Keep it up and keep moving forward with maxim
Thanks for your feedback   (Gian)
K. Sankaraiyah
10 novembre 2020, 3:47
Dear Sir, Greetings. It is really very useful for the Dipterologists. I request you to complete it in all respects. Thanks.
Thanks Mr. Sankaraiyah. Your remark is absolutely right. I have to make up my mind to continue development! Greetings   (Gian)
Juan Manuel Perilla L.
30 agosto 2018, 22:14
Dear Giancarlo, I am a Colombian PhD student working on Tachinidae systematics. I wanted to say thanks for having this amazing website.
Thanks a lot for your feedback, Juan. Unfortunately it's a long time since I stopped the development due to other commitments, but I hope to resume as soon as possible. Greetings!   (Gian)
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